
The members of the West Regional Inshore Fisheries Forum are:

Bernard Whelan – Chair of the West RIFF

Bernard Whelan - West RIFF member

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Bivalve Fishers

Bernard is from Clifden Co. Galway is involved in bivalve fishing. He is involved in the management of various clam fisheries and is keen to see structures set up for the management of bivalve fisheries.

Luke Aston – Vice chair of the West RIFF

Luke Aston - West RIFF member

Sector: Marine Tourism and Leisure – Charter boats

Representing Charter vessels (Marine Toursim and Leisure)

Luke is the nominee of the Irish Charter Skippers Association and he operates the charter boat “Clare Dragoon” from Carrigaholt, Co. Clare  He is a former fishermen who owned the gillnetter MFV “White Bank”.

Ger Concannon

Ger Concannon - West RIFF member

Sector: Fisheries

Representing West Clare Fishers

Ger is the Chair of the West Clare Lobstermen’s Association and is the fishermen’s representative on FLAG West. He was also the founder of the of the now defunct Irish Lobster Association and is involved in the national V-nothing scheme.

Patrick Mullins

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Blackhead to Doonbeg Fishers

Patrick is a member of the Galway Bay Inshore Fishermen’s Association. He is involved in lobster/shellfish conservation initiatives such as v-notching and shrimp management.

 Morgan Oliver

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Blackhead to Galway Port Fishers

Morgan was nominated by Fishers in his coastal region. He is a member of the Galway Bay Inshore Fisherman’s Association. Moran comes form a long family tradition of fishing from the Claddagh. He mainly fishes shellfish and has strong values on conservation and sustainability in the industry.

Padraig Barrett

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Lettermullen Fishers

Padraig Barrett is an Inshore Fisher operating out of Lettermullen Co. Galway. He is the owner/skipper of the MFV Eala Ban G and a member of Coiste Cliomach Chonmara Theas and Comharchumann Sliogeisc Chonmara.

Kevin Conneely

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Roundstone to Ballyconneely Fishers

Michael O’Malley

Michael O'Malley - West RIFF member

Sector: Aquaculture

Representing aquaculture

Michael is he nominee of the Irish Shellfish Association and is the aquaculture representative on the West RIFF. He is a mussel and oyster farmer in North Connemara and is a member of FLAG West.

Sector: Shellfish Buyers – vacant at present time

Simon Berrow

Sector: Environment

Simon Berrow is CEO of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group and a lecturer in the Atlantic Technological University, Galway. He is representing the IEN and has considerable experience of whales, dolphins and porpoises and a strong interest in the commercial fishing industry.

Michael O’Connell

Sector: Fisheries

Representing North Clare Fishers

Michael was nominated by the West Clare Lobstermen’s Association. He is the owner/skipper of the MFV Prue Ester G573 and fishes for lobster, crab and gill nets for whole fish when the opportunity arises.

Ronán Flaherty

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Fishers from Cill Chiarain to Cuán na Beritrí Buí

Ronán Flaherty was nominated by Fishers in his coastal region. Ronán is from a well-known fishing family and is inshore fisherman himself for twenty years. He fishes with both a large and small inshore vessel depending on weather and targeted species. He is a member of Coiste Ghliomach Chonamara and involved in the V-notching conservation scheme.

Joe Joyce

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Fishers from Oileáin Árann

Joe Joyce was nominated by Fishers from Oileáin Árann. Joe has been fishing for 15 years now and launched his own seafood processing/retail business a few years ago. Joe lives among an island community and believes the inshore fisheries will play a vital role for the sustainability of the Island and rural communities into the future.

Jason O Flaherty

Sector: Fisheries

Representing Fishers from Clifden to Killary Harbour

Jason O Flaherty was nominated by Fishers in his coastal region. Jason has been fishing since he left school and fishes lobster, crab, and line fishing for pollock. Jason is an annual participant in the V-notching conservation scheme.

Contact West RIFF Secretary