12.01.2016 NE RIFF Meeting Agenda

 Committee meeting of North East Regional Inshore Fisheries Forum

City North HOTEL, Gormanstown

 8th JAN 2015 11 am

  1. Review and Adoption of previous minutes
  2. Update of 3rd NIFF meeting held 10th November
  • Recreational potting
  • Support for Classification of bivalve fisheries
  • Lobster management Measure
  • North West Herring and Line Fin Tuna
  • Line caught Fishery and Marketing Plan
  • Social Welfare for Fishermen



 3.Razor Clam Fishery in the North Irish Sea

 4. Update from Razor Assoc and action points to be considered by the RIFF

 5. Update on new EMFF schemes and dates

6. Networking workshop for all the RIFF members. Suggested date: 3rd March 2016, Galway. Suggested content:

Jerry Percy – LIFE


Someone to talk about the Shetland Management order and MSC


Someone to talk from one of the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) in the UK.



 7. BIM’s  Inshore Management Scheme

8. Stakeholder Engagement /consultations

  • Public Consultation on a proposal to increase the minimum cod-end mesh for Irish Vessels targeting Nephrops. Deadline Friday 15 January 2016


  • IFI angling development strategy. Deadline is 4 January 2016


  • Strategic Management Framework (SMF) for Dublin Bay

http://emra.ie/dublin-bay-stakeholders-questionnaire/ Deadline is 31st January 2016


 9. Any other Business

Inshore Policy Proposal Template for Inshore Forums

                                       Note from J Woodlock

Note from Alan Fanning

Note from Inshore single riggers



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