Inshore Fisheries Forums Network Meeting, Meyrick Hotel, Galway 3rd March 2016 Presentations

Please find links here to the presentation made at the 1st Inshore Fisheries Forum Network Meeting, 3rd March 2016.

Jerry Percy , Director, Low Impact Fisheries Europe – “The development of dedicated representation of the European Small Scale Fleet.”

Nathan de Rosarieaux, Tegen Mor Consultants and NFFO – “Small Scale Fisheries in European Decision Making”

Tim Dapling, Chief Fisheries and Conservation Officer, Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority – “Sussex IFCA UK model of inshore management”

Leslie Tait, Director, Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation – “Role of Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation and how it relates to inshore fisheries”

Dr. Beth Mouat, Joint Head of Marine Science and Technology, NAFC Marine Centre – “Scientific advice behind Shetland Regulating Order & MSC.”

Dr. Oliver Tully, Marine Institute – “What do we mean by Sustainable Fisheries”

Frank Fleming, SW RIFF Member – “Fishery Improvement Plans (FIBs) as road to certification”

Public Consultation on draft Regulation to transpose the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive into Irish Law

EU Directive 2014/89/EU establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning was adopted in July 2014. The Directive obliges all coastal Member States to establish maritime spatial plans by 2021. Member States must transpose the Directive into National law by 18 September 2016.


The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government has drafted regulations to transpose the Directive into Irish law. Submission are invited on the draft regulation.


The closing date for submissions is 5:30 p.m. on Friday 6th May, 2016. Please find link to further information here.